Saturday 1st March 2025
شبكة طريق الحرير الصيني الإخبارية

Statement by World Azerbaijanis in relation with the terrorist attack on the embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Islamic Republic of Iran

منذ سنتين في 27/يناير/2023

/Silk Road News Network


Statement by World Azerbaijanis in relation with the terrorist attack on the embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Islamic Republic of Iran


We, Azerbaijanis living in foreign countries, express our deepest grief over the fact that as a result of an armed attack on the Azerbaijani embassy to Iran on January 27 at 8:30 am Baku time, one Azerbaijani was murdered and two were injured. Azerbaijanis around the world consider the incident asa terrorist attack organized by the Iranian special services; each of our compatriots curses those accountable for this treacherous attack and bloody crimes, and declares that they do not believe the bogus information spread to divert attention. The blood-soaked event that happened is beyond logic and humaneness.

We are extremely concerned about the constant violation of the rights of  40 million of our compatriots living in South Azerbaijan, as well as the absence of any guarantee for diplomatic and  personal immunity.

We draw the attention of the world community to the region and call for the fight against the perpetration of crimes against humanity.

Bringing information about a terrorist attack that impedes peace and stability in the region to the attention of the UN, the European Union, the Council of Europe and their institutions, as well as other competent international and regional organizations, we call on them to take urgent measures at the legal and political level to prevent the perpetration by Iranian special services of such serious criminal acts.

We state that we are witnessing  illegal actions being constantly committed by Iran and Armenia within the borders of Azerbaijan. Thus, recently 27 Iranian citizens used the Lachin road to pass to the side of separatists forces in the territory of Karabakh for unknown purposes, and neither Armenia nor Iran has made any statements about this until today.

We honor the memory of those who died as a result of the terrorist attack, condemn the similar position of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards Azerbaijan which is constantly faced with various terrorist attacks by Armenia, and demand that those accountable for crimes against peace and humanity in the region be brought to justice without delay as well as demand a fair stand from the international community.



التصنيفات: أخبار أذربيجان
بواسطة: khelil

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