Wednesday 26th March 2025
شبكة طريق الحرير الصيني الإخبارية

Ne Zha: Demon Child Conquers the Sea, or Ne Zha 2, has shattered multiple box office records

منذ شهر واحد في 13/فبراير/2025

Chinese Silk Road News Network/


Ne Zha: Demon Child Conquers the Sea, or Ne Zha 2, has shattered multiple box office records, becoming the first film to earn $1 billion in a single market and the first non-Hollywood production to join the Top 30 of Worldwide All-time Box Office Ranking. In Feb.8th , the movie also debuted in the US, raising the audience’s expectations overseas.

Ne Zha 2 origins from China’s rich history and culture, creatively combining traditional values with modern spirit through the narrative. The film will open in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Papua New Guinea, with additional releases planned in the countries including Singapore, Malaysia, Egypt, South Africa, Pakistan, Japan, and South Korea.

بواسطة: khelil

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